HoloLens Development Tutorial Based on Talk

I’ve learned a lot about developing for HoloLens in the last few months. The hardest lesson was that the HoloAcademy is badly out of date and many of the SDK’s are not documented.

A few people have shared someof their learnings, but nothing I could find covers how to work with the HoloToolkit to create a HoloLens application covering all the major features in a tutorial format like the HoloAcademy.  This tutorial also supplements my Augmented Reality talk, representing all the detail that would have turned my one hour talk into a four hour talk. It covers each part of my Augmented Reality talk and covers the details of how I implemented each aspect of my demo.  Below is the index for this tutorial, which will turn into links to each article when I publish them.


Tutorial Index

  Versions: Unity 2017.1.0p5 | MixedRealityToolkit-Unity v1.2017.1.0Visual Studio 2017 15.3.2
Unity 3D Project Creation How to create a HoloLens project in Unity 3D
Source Control Configure git for HoloLens / Unity work
Spatial Mapping How to spatial map a Room
Object Surface Observer Set up fake spatial map data for the Unity editor
TagAlongs and Billboarding   Tag along instructions to the user to force text on screen
Spatial Understanding Add spatial understanding to get play space detail
Finalizing Spatial Understanding Complete Spatial Understanding and Input Manager
Object Placement and Scaling Find valid locations for holograms in the play space
Hologram Management Manage the holograms you want to place in the world
Cursor and Voice Add a cursor and voice commands
Occlusion Add occlusion with the real world to your scene
Colliders and Rigidbodys Add Colliders and RigidBodys to your holograms

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